Donations Refund Policy
Romero Centre places great value in being a sound steward of donations in all forms.
Should an error be made in the amount of any donation, the donor has 60 days in which to notify Romero Centre of the error. All requests for refunds are to be made in writing and directed by:
Romero Centre
8 Dutton St
Dutton Park QLD 4102
The request should have the details of the initial donation including the date, amount, name of the donor, the tax invoice/receipt number and the nature of the error.
The original tax invoice/receipt immediately becomes void and invalid, and a new tax invoice/receipt will be issued for the amount of the revised donation.
Romero Centre will process such a refund within 30 days of the receipt of such request. Romero Centre reserves the right to deduct any bank or transaction charges for any refund processed onto the donor.
Should an error be made by Romero Centre or its financial institution(s), full refunds will be made immediately upon notification in writing of the error and reasonable costs borne by Romero Centre.
Refunds will be returned using the original method of payment.
Romero Centre may use donor information for direct marketing purposes. At the time a donation is submitted online, you will have the option of receiving further communications or opting out.